Command S - Save a Document
Command P - Print a Document
Command C - Copy
Command V - Paste
Command X - Cut
How to Drop Documents
Click on the Safari icon at the bottom of your screen. It should lead you to a page entitled "MCHS Technology Department." Click on the tab that says "Servers." Choose the drop server specified by your teacher. A finder window is opened. Find your teacher's name and click on it. Often times they will have a folder entitled "drop box" under their name.
Other Tips
-In Microsoft Word, to edit a picture you have inserted, select the picture and the toolbox will be expanded to allow you to edit.
-In iPhoto, you can open recent projects by clicking on either "Last 12 Months" or "Last Import" under "Recent." If you have flagged a photo, it will also be under "recent" ("Flagged").
-You can use iPhoto to recognize faces or pin a certain photo to a location.
-In Microsoft Word, use your toolbox and click on the tab "Document Margins" to adjust margins. To insert a header, click the top of the page twice and enter it in. Using your toolbox, align right and under "Header and Footer," click on the button with the "#" on it to insert the page number automatically on each page. To double space your document, go to "Alignment and Spacing" and next to "Line Spacing" hit the button on the far left. When entering a hanging indent, click "Format" at the top of your screen. Then click on "Paragraph..." Under "Special" hit "Hanging." This inserts a hanging indent.-Use the event library to see recent projects.
-Search for music by clicking on the music-note icon and when you find a file you would like to use, drag it to the top-right area of the iMovie window, where you would like the music to begin.
-If you select a video clip and hit the "i" button, it opens a toolbox that allows you to adjust the speed of your clip or add an effect. Here you may also adjust the audio.
-To add a transition, click on the icon next the the "T" icon and drag one into your video.
-The "T" icon allows you to add text.
-By clicking on the "i" icon at the bottom left of your window, you can add new "tracks" (instruments) to your audio file.
-By clicking on the eye icon at the bottom left of your window, you can search for different music loops/noises that you want to incorporate into your podcast.
-If you select "podcast" at the initial window that is opened when you click the GarageBand icon, there will be a "podcast track" at the top right of your screen where you can enter pictures.
-Hit the red button at the bottom of your window to record your voice.
-Within a track, there are several icons. The volume icon allows you to mute a track. The headset icon allows you to listen only to the selected track. The lock icon will "lock" the track so you may not enter in new loops. The icon to the right if this allows you to adjust the track volume throughout the entire piece. Also to the far right of your track you may adjust overall volume.
-In Microsoft Excel, if you click on the "fx" icon at the top of your toolbar, you can assign equations to certain cells in your graph. For example, if cell A3 is a sum of the cells above it, click the cell A3, then the "fx" icon, then double-click sum. Highlight the cells above A3, and you have created a formula!
-To create a graph, first create a chart and highlight the data you want in your graph.
-In Google Spreadsheet, when you go to create a graph, you will automatically go into an editing window. Under “Start,” you can choose which chart you want. Under “Charts” you may choose from a series of different kinds of bar charts or pie charts. Under “Customize,” you can edit colors and titles.
-In Spreadsheet, you can also show your documents to others by clicking "share."
-If you go to View>Master>Slide Master, you can edit how the text/title will look on every slide or add an image that you want on each slide.
-A good alternate to using bullet points is to use a SmartArt Graphic. There are multiple graphics available that can be used to show a list, cycle, relationship, process, etc.
-If you click "Format Background" in your toolbox, you can add more than one color or create a pattern for your background.
-Do not use a picture as a background; it is usually hard to read the text.
-When picking photos, look for ones with transparent backgrounds.
-To add animations, click on the star icon at the top of your toolbox.
-When you want to add a graph, you will be given a Microsoft Excel window to enter data.
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