
GarageBand is an excellent software for composing music or creating a podcast. It allows you to enter a voice recording, incorporate music "loops" together, and adjust the audio of your document. You can use the "tracks" along the left side of your window to add instruments. If you are creating a podcast, you may also enter photos into your file.
The following project that I did in class is about how to format a letter. My group used a repeating sound loop for background music. We recorded our voices to convey the information. We fixed the volume of the music to quiet down some when we started talking so that our voices could be easily heard. We also included some pictures pertaining to our topic to go with our instructions.

-By clicking on the "i" icon at the bottom left of your window, you can add new "tracks" (instruments) to your audio file.
-By  clicking on the eye icon at the bottom left of your window, you can search for different music loops/noises that you want to incorporate into your podcast.
-If you select "podcast" at the initial window that is opened when you click the GarageBand icon, there will be a "podcast track" at the top right of your screen where you can enter pictures.
-Hit the red button at the bottom of your window to record your voice.
-Within a track, there are several icons. The volume icon allows you to mute a track. The headset icon allows you to listen only to the selected track. The lock icon will "lock" the track so you may not enter in new loops. The icon to the right if this allows you to adjust the track volume throughout the entire piece. Also to the far right of your track you may adjust overall volume.

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